Growing the Business? Try These Methods on Connecting to Your Ideal Client

You have created this unique and fantastic service for the world. But how do you inform others about this new creation?

If only there was a magic button that made it easy to connect with potential customers.

In the meantime awaiting this invention, I have a few examples of how to connect that creation to your ideal client. Time to find confidence and share it in the following forms:

  1. Written 

  2. Verbal 

  3. Physical 


The power of the written word is powerful. 

Reflect on the last thing you read that truly moved you emotionally. 

The most recent book that rocked my emotions was The Immortalist by Chloe Benjamin. In brief, this book is all about the value of life. Whether you live for many years or a shorter amount of time, it all depends on how you choose to live. In essence, if you know the exact day that you die, would you live differently? The author weaves the story of four siblings following them on their life journey after visiting a gypsy woman who shared their day of extinction with each one. As the book progresses, each story provides an eye-opening experience which makes nearly every reader take a deeper look into the quality of their life. By the end of the book, I had cried multiple times and chose to pursue my dream with more intention.

All of this happened because that piece of writing shook me to the core changing my perspective on life.

Ready to make that type of impact with potential clients? (Psst - I can help with this!)

No need to write a full-fledged novel to make a difference. A few examples of making that bridge between your services to your ideal client include:

  • Website: This is the foundation of the connection. This platform is the avenue that leads to everything else such as your podcast, social media platforms, blog posts, email and so much more! In today’s day and age, nearly every business should have a website.

  • Blog Articles: Now that the website is all put together, build off that by adding blog posts. Try to include articles that inform but also help others to solve a problem. 

  • Newsletter/emails: sent out bi-weekly and include news updates, helpful tips, and any promotional items. Plus this is a great way to grow your email list. Because if all social media platforms disappeared, at least you have one way to connect with the community 


Another important form of communication is verbal.

Think about it, what is the most common way you communicate with someone? By talking to them. I mean, my husband and I have a few hand gestures that can help portray our thoughts to one another. But let’s be honest, talking is way more efficient.

A few verbal examples with connecting to that ideal client include:

  • Word of Mouth: arguably the best way to share about your business is through word of mouth. I’d rather take the advice from someone I know compared to a stranger’s review online. So treat every customer as if they matter and the word will spread.

  • Advertisement: radio ads are going out of style but do you know what is in style? Podcasts! I am OBSESSED with podcasts and listen during my commute, a walk, or even while I clean the house. The best way to reach your target audience is by knowing where they are at! For example, if your business is health and fitness related, advertise with podcasts that have potential clients listening. 


The last form to connect with clients is physical, like an object of some type. 

As a kid, I loved stickers. As an adult, I collect stickers. My notebook, water bottle, and the journal is covered with stickers of various cities I have visited and companies I support. I am a free walking billboard with all of the stickers that cover my items.

See what I am getting at here? Even without trying, I showcase the businesses I support. 

Let’s connect with more clients by utilizing some of these physical examples:

  • Logo: if you do not have a logo for your business, I highly encourage making one. If you’re creative enough, it would be easy to make a simple logo. If not, others create personal logos as their business. A logo can be as simple or complicated as you want it. We just need an image to associate with your business.

  • Merchandise with said logo: once we have the logo finalized, we can mass produce it everywhere. Such as stickers, bookmarks, bumper stickers, t-shirts, mugs, etc. A great company to help produce such things is 4imprint who offers high-quality products at a reasonable price. Another suggestion is adding a piece of merchandise with every purchase. It’s a freebie for the customer but also an additional advertisement. 

  • Personal note/letter: is there anything better than a thank you note? No way! And a handwritten one takes it to the next level. While starting, take the time to write a simple handwritten note thanking the customer for their purchase. A little extra time and effort will always pay off in the future. 

Once you have created this phenomenal product or service, you must share it with our ideal clients. The connection is the bridge between that creation and your community. This can be achieved either by written, verbal, or physical communication. The possibilities are endless.

After exploring a few options, I want you to choose at least one form of communication to grow the connection between the product and the community. Focus on implementing it at least once a week for now and see how that will impact the business. Don’t complicate it, just focus on one form of communication and execute it flawlessly. Once you have a business rhythm, you can grow by using other forms of communication. 

So which one will you work on first?! Please email me at and we can discuss other effective ways to connect. I look forward to hearing from you!


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