What is Community and How Can it Grow Your Business?

Community, a group of individuals with like minded values.  

The definition of community by Google (Oxford Languages) defines it as “a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.” The first part of the definition is solely based on physical location while the latter half focuses on the power behind the word. 

A perfect example of a community is Lady Gaga’s “Little Monsters.” Lady Gaga (Stefani Germanotta) is a famous American pop artist and icon who made her appearance in 2009. Since that time, she has created a social group of loyal fans. A simple Google search will produce pages full of links, social media platforms and articles, making this community stand out. After reading a few articles, one can conclude that this fan based group is loyal to Lady Gaga. Fans state that a “true Little Monster” is not only a fan who simply appreciates her immense talent but also represents her moral values. Which in brief, is to show love and respect to yourself and others. (Juul, 2020)

Can you list another popular community in pop culture? I am sure a handful of groups came to mind.

So how does this relate to business?

There are many benefits to welcoming customers to your community. Once a customer becomes a part of the community, they will most likely remain loyal. And loyalty to your business, means a repeating customer which leads to additional revenue. 

Secondly, it is most cost efficient to retain existing customers compared to on boarding a new one. Seriously, Google it. I did and went down a rabbit hole of information overload. (I plan to write another article in further detail about this, so keep your eye open for that!) In brief, if you are able to keep customers and welcome them into the community with open arms, your business should reap the benefits. 

Another contributing factor to building a community is the power behind “word of mouth.” When I moved to Denver and required a new doctor, who did I ask? My fellow co-workers whose been living in the area for many years. They willingly shared their current provider along with their experiences. Once I had the information, that’s when I researched further into cost comparison, location and reviews on the service. As time has passed, I catch myself asking more and more of my coworkers where they like to eat, have a facial or even prefer grocery shopping. 

I trust these individuals and therefore will take their word for it’s value. Word of mouth is one of the best and cheapest —like it’s free—ways of advertisement.

Now that we have discussed the facts about community building, let’s put it into action.

If you’ve read my previous blog articles, I love to discuss the importance of The Three C’s: create, connect, community. As a business owner, one must create a deeper connection with their ideal client to build a loyal community. Creation is the product or service you offer and the connection is the bridge between that creation to that ideal client, leading to a loyal community. It’s a trifecta and community brings it all together. 

Remember that a community is simply a group of like minded individuals with similar interests and/or values. 

What does this community look like for your business? 

How should you build it?

Social media is a great starting place. Nearly everyone in today’s society has a social media account. The most common sites are FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. However there is a new kid on the block, Tik Tok, who is moving up in popularity. There are some great features while utilizing these social media platforms. For example, one can simply create a FB group allowing a variety of customers to join. Not only does this build community but it allows others to connect with like minded individuals. Another bonus to starting a FB group is to provide quick updates - such as exclusive offers, early store closings or even do a FB live video to showcase new merchandise. Above all, make this space safe and inclusive allowing the community to grow virtually.

Make every client feel like they actually matter. Say that phrase again. In fact, please say it out loud - make them feel as if they truly matter. It sounds so simple and yet we over complicate it. We all have those days where we are focused on checking tasks off our to-do list that we actually forget what our business is all about. It is all about the customers. So take a deep breath, relax and make. Every. Single. Customer. feel important. Time to go above and beyond for everyone, that’s how a loyal community is built.  

Lastly and most importantly, start now! The ever looming part of any adventure is the unknown. But think about how much further along you will be if you simply start now. I just gave you two simple tasks to start growing that community. One, start a FB group page. Secondly, make every customer feel as if they matter. No need to complicate this. I encourage you to follow my lead in growing a loyal community for your business. 

Community is the final C in The Thee C equation and I dare say, the most important. If you don’t have people who believe in what you have to offer, you don’t have much growth ahead.

I’m curious, do you have other tactics on growing a community base? If so, how effective is it? Do you have opportunities for growth? I’d love to help you grow and maintain that community. Please send me an email writer.kwdavis@gmail.com and let’s discuss further options. I look forward to welcoming you into my very own community!

  1. Juul Seuren; “Little Monsters: The fans behind Lady Gaga;” Diggit Magazine; June 4, 2020; accessed on June 10, 2020; https://www.diggitmagazine.com/articles/little-monsters-fans-behind-lady-gaga


The Business Triangle: Create, Connect, Community


In Relation to Business, What is the Meaning Behind Connect?